About Me

My name is Gonzalo Fernández García, I live in Pamplona, Spain, and I’m 24 years old. After finishing my degree in Computer Engineering and an Expert Degree in IOT and Industry 4.0 at the Public University of Navarra, I started working as a Full Stack Developer in Openbravo’s infrastructure team. In my spare time, I always try to dedicate time to my professional and personal growth, learning new useful things by following my passion.

My skills

Javascript ES6

During the course of my career, I was able to take part in many different projects. As most of them belong to the Software Development sector, this leads me to consider the following technologies as my main ones. Apart from the ones we can see here, I’m used to work also with Git, npm, Jenkins…

Furthermore, although I don’t usually work with them as I work with the previous ones, I’m also able to code in C++ or PHP or even work with log aggregators as Fluent Bit or Amazon Web Services as OpenSearch and SageMaker.

I love expanding my horizons and I’m always thrilled to improve myself. Due to this, I also like to train my communication, teamwork and creativity skills as much as I can.

Work experience

I’ve been working for Openbravo since September 2021. With its products (web applications), the company offers unified commerce experiences to retailers,  providing flexibility to adapt to different scenarios. During this time, I assumed different roles:

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In the first period of my Internship, I joined the Quality Assurance team. Thanks to this opportunity, I learned a lot about how things work in a product company, how to apply an agile methodology (scrum) to your daily work and I also introduced myself into End-to-End testing.


In the following period, I led a R&D project focused on resolving a Big Data problem that the company had been having for a long time, related to the information the application generates in execution time (logs). This resulted in a prototype that the company currently polishes in order to start using it in production as one of their monitoring tools.


After finishing my degree, I switched to the Platform Base team. This team is focused on building the software infrastructure of the product, so there is a wide variety of technologies involved with which I have to work with regularly. As a full stack developer, I’m used to work with front end, back end and unitary tests.

Each project helps me grow and is an exciting challenge to overcome. This growth paid off and I was able to close my time as a Junior and get promoted. And here I am, working hard each day to keep learning and progressing.